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The Welldon Park

The greatest gift of all: playing with you!

All children need to play. It is their way of learning skills and helps them to release their emotions. Regularly playing with your child will help you to feel closer. It will also encourage them to cooperate more and you will feel more energised!

How can parents help?

I know most of you might feel exhausted at the end of the day, especially with how strange things might be right now, maybe working from home or more anxious thoughts and pressures with the pandemic and current lockdown. However, all you need is 10 mins of play, which will help both you and your child to let out some of the stress accumulated from your day. Can you try any of these at some point in your day?

  • If your child is feeling over-excited and needs to let off some energy, how about taking him to a quiet, safe space and letting him spin around while you spot him?
  • If she is having difficulty falling asleep at night, you could say goodnight to each part of her body.
  • If he needs some help calming down, perhaps you could blow bubbles together and see how long you can keep them in the air before popping.
  • Play football together by blowing a cotton ball around through straws.
  • If she is finding a situation difficult, use stuffed animals to act it out.
  • Finally, I always suggest following your child’s lead and joining them in their favourite game: let them teach you how to play!


Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Penny for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9-10am. You can call/text Penny on 07901-000606 or email her at