Dinner: Nurturing Family Connection
Dinner: Nurturing Family Connection
Often, dinner can feel like such a chore, even a mission, that you just want to get through. However, studies show that having dinner together as a family is a top predictor for how well children will do in school and in adolescence. The ritual of sharing food with those we love offers children the security of belonging, being nurtured and a space to talk and share.
How can parents help?
Try to have at least a few nights a week when you can all eat together. Keep that space sacred, safe and positive and, most importantly, switch off the TV and all devices- including your own phones! It is helpful to keep dinner fun and playful and to engage everyone in preparing the meal and/or setting the table. Think of rituals you can put in place and try to make the discussions interesting for everyone. And the first secret is to keep the food healthy but simple: look after yourself and save your energy for connecting with your family.
Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to. If you would like to meet Penny for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9-10am. You can call/text Penny on 07901-000606 or email her at penny@schoolscounsellingpartnership.co.uk