PE and Sport Premium
What is the Sports Premium Funding?
Sport Premium money is given to schools in the United Kingdom to enhance Sports provision. Schools must use this funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education (PE), physical activity and sport that they offer.
Sports at the Welldon Park Academy
Our Physical Education leader Mr Walsh is a sporting role model for pupils at our school. Under Mr Walsh's leadership the school prides itself in entering many tournaments and very often winning! The Sports Premium has contributed to school wide success in Dodgeball, Netball, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Rounders, Swimming and many other sports. Regularly competing across Harrow and other London Boroughs our participation levels in sport remain above 90% of all pupils for extracurricular activities. Most recently, we used Sports Premium money to introduce The Daily Mile to our school. Ask our pupils for more details!
We were already offering free extracurricular sports clubs at lunchtimes and after school but the new grant will allow us to improve provision further.
Making Sports Sustainable:
As a school we have invested heavily in ensuring the inclusivity of sports for all pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or socio-economic barrier. We believe we do this at The Welldon Park Academy by making sport a key part of our curriculum. All pupils will have two lessons of PE a week and one 'Character Education'/PSHE lesson with a sporting theme through oru CoJo curriculum.
Our pupils can clearly explain how much sport means to our school!
Funding Expenditure
Our annual sports premium allocation is around £9000. An evaluation of expenditure will be made at the end of the first full year of The Welldon Park Academy.