British Values
British Values are at the heart of everything we do at The Welldon Park Academy. The diversity of our school population, our school staff and the community in which we serve is a source of strength for our school. Our pupils can tell you what these values mean in Modern Britain. The children in all year groups, whether discretely or not, visit these values as part of our PSHE work and in their unique 'Character Afternoons', that are built around our school values and through regular assemblies which happen daily at our school.
We take opportunities to:
- acknowledge, celebrate and commemorate national events and anniversaries related to key events in Britain’s past
- join in with international sporting events and find out more about the countries that host them
- support a number of charities that are selected by the children and arrange fundraising events
- invite members of the local community to our school events.
We understand the role that our school has in helping prevent radicalisation and supporting our children in developing a world view recognising Britain’s place within it.