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The Welldon Park

Help your child feel heard.

Help your child feel heard.

Children are more likely to follow our rules when they feel we are listening to them. It can be hard right now especially if people are at home together, or it all feels too hectic however, taking a moment to listen to your child will really model how they respond and react to you. Sometimes its good to think what its like when us as adults are not heard or listened too, how does that make you feel? This might be how your child feels.


How can parents help?  Acknowledge what your child is asking for, even if your answer is ‘no’.  For example: "I hear you.  You are saying it loud and clear - NO BATH! You really do not want to have a bath! Tonight, you do need to have one, though… Which do you choose- a bath or a shower?" Offering a choice to your child can be really powerful because they feel they have some control, even if it’s small.

Sometimes we could all do with someone to talk to.  If you would like to meet Penny for a confidential and non-judgemental chat about you, your child, or any other worries, she is available on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9-10am. You can call/text Penny on 07901-000606 or email her at